
Saturday, 17 December 2011

Yay For Little Reviewing Job!

First of all I am very sorry for the lack of updates, I've been reading too much ;)
Anyway at the moment I have a fantastic system going on for book reviewing!
Ever heard of a charity called the National Blind Children's Society? Well let me tell you something... They are AMAZING! They have a unique service called Customeyes, which provides large print books in any format for young people with a visual impairment. So I can get my books just how I like them:

  • In Arial 
  • Bold
  • Size 24
  • On yellow paper
Call me picky! 

Anyway a fantastic deal has been struck up between me and customeyes, they send me books and I review them! I also got my link on their website:

Oh oh oh! I was also on the front of their newsletter this morning! It was amazeabubbles! Thank you so much NBCS :) 

Anyway so I am going to get writing my first review for them now, Exciting stuff! 



  1. One of the nice things about having a Kindle is the ability to enlarge the print until it is a comfortable size for your eyes, whatever that might be. It is good for my aging eyes, that's for sure!

  2. Haha yeah I use my kindle for the audio because the biggest side is too small. NBCS saved my reading :)
    Thanks for reading ;)


read the printed word!