
Monday, 22 August 2011

The Arrival of Harry Potter - Why Reading is so Important to Me!

Today was very very exciting. My new books arrived!!! My books are very special - they come from the National Blind Children's Society (life savers in my opinion) in my own preferences so I can read them properly. Mine personally come in Arial, Bold, 24pt on yellow paper and if they weren't like that I would not be able to read any of the fantastic books I have reviewed on here. I think I read because I spent a few years of my life unable to read though I wanted to, and now I know where to get these books from I never stop reading!!

Today the books that arrived were the entire Harry Potter series plus the Tales of Beedle the Bard. I wanted to get these because I have pretended to read them so many times and would now like to finally take in these world phenomenons of stories. I think it is safe to say that you can expect a lot of J.K Rowling book reviews on here in the near future!

Let the reading commence!!

1 comment:

  1. That's brilliant and what a great service! I've only read the first three Harry Potters (I know *shock* *horror*), but they were greatly entertaining. I'm really glad that you'll get to enjoy them for yourself now.

    Happy reading!

    The Word Fiend


read the printed word!